Because of this, my art has focused on topics ranging from my own mental health to global warming to the effect of technology on society. I enjoy exploring emotion in my subjects, and how I can capture and amplify that emotion to make a more captivating piece. Currently, many of my pieces explore my relationship with childhood. Life, loss, and the apprehension of growing up, seen through the eyes of someone who’d prefer to be young, imaginative, and carefree forever. In my future work I hope to expand upon all of the aforementioned themes. I also want to merge my passions outside of art with my creativity and artistic background to create more functional work that impacts the world positively. For example, I am interested in:
• designing sustainable types of fabric and making clothes with it
• designing a way to filter pollutants out of water sources with multipurpose materials such as textiles
• making medical illustrations of endangered species
• mimicking the patterns of bee hives to create buildings
I think that there is a vital world to be explored through the combination of art, science, and humanities, and that is what I plan to do in college next year.
I live in Boulder, CO where I am a senior in high school.